
Getting metrics out of longhorn without prometheus

Recently, I migrated all my homelab Kubernetes storage to Longhorn. While Longhorn provides excellent features, monitoring its performance is crucial for identifying potential issues and optimizing resource utilization.

Longhorn offers Prometheus as the recommended monitoring solution. However, since I use InfluxDB for my time-series data needs, I needed to find a way to integrate Longhorn metrics with my existing setup.

Longhorn exposes metrics on each of its longhorn-manager pods. However, there’s no dedicated service to access these metrics directly. Furthermore, the names of these pods can change dynamically, making it impossible to create a static endpoint for InfluxDB.

Moved to Hugo

Recently I was thinking about how my websites are handled and realised that they are extremely static and so using WordPress as the CMS was overkill. This led me down the path of trying to find a replacement.

After looking at some of the various static-site generator options I settled on Hugo for a couple of reasons.

  • The first reason was that I’ve spent a lot of time over the past few years working with YAML (thanks k8s) so I appreciate that I can do all the configuration in YAML
  • The second was that the site contents are all written using Markdown (used for internal documentation where I work)
  • The third was that it all runs from a single binary which I can grab pre-compiled from github (so no need to install any packages/recompile manually)
  • The fourth I also like the what content can be laid out in a structured and navigable manner
  • The fifth is that it is themeable in a reproducible way
  • Finally I really appreciate that the way it works fits nicely into version control (so I can put it all in git)

The end result is a nicely organised and tracked website which can be found in GitHub. The entire site is tracked in there with change logging etc meaning I can quickly rebuild if needed. I am using the theme Mainroad and to enable searching it is using Pagefind. The only modification needed to the theme was to add ‘data-pagefind-body’ to single.html so that only the standalone pages would be indexed (not the list pages).


I’ve had this blog sitting here blank for a fair while now and so I figured it is about time I did something with it.

I work in Sun as a backline OS engineer and have a major interest in Linux along with Solaris.

I’ve recently got into electronics and am in the progress of making a Arduino controlled lighting box and also am designing my own little robot.

In this blog I’ll attempt to document the lighting box and whatever else I get around to making.