How I setup my lights - Nativity Scene

This is the fourth post in my series on how I setup my christmas lights

Links to rest of series:

This post focuses on the Nativity scene at the side of the yard.

How I setup my lights - Arches, candy canes, small spiral trees and large spiral tree

This is the third post in my series on how I setup my christmas lights

Links to rest of series:

This post focuses on the arches along the front, the five candy canes and the small spiral trees

How I setup my lights - The megatree

This is the second post in my series on how I setup my christmas lights

Links to rest of series:

This post focuses on the main megatree.

How I setup my lights - The controllers

In the last few weeks I’ve had a number of people asking about how the light show is done so I thought it might be nice to document how my lights are setup during the day using photos.

To see the display in action and to download all of the xLights sequences see the 2016 Debenham Lights post.

I’m going to write a series of posts showing how the controllers are setup, how the megatree is setup etc

Christmas Lights

Each year I setup a display of Christmas lights in Narara.

This year (2015) I pretty much started from scratch as I moved to all pixels (each light is individually controlled)

Here are videos of my lights this year.

Jingle Bells pon de Floor

Light Of Christmas

What’s This

Wizards of Winter

Technical Details

For those that are interested this is all controlled by a Sandevices E682 and Advatek Pixlite4 sitting in a large plastic tub.

USB-Rubber Ducky scripts on Arduino/Leostick

The other day I was at Jaycar and saw that they are now selling small USB sticks that are arduino compatible. It is called the LeoStick and is made by Freetronics down in Melbourne. Seeing that it could pretend to be a USB HID device (ie keyboard/mouse) I wondered if I could do the sort of thing that the USB Rubber Ducky from Hak5 can do As it turns out the answer is YES :)

Freetronics DMD - Screen transitions

I was driving past one of those led advertising signs sitting on the side of the road the other day and thought to myself ‘I can do that’ So I’ve hooked up 6 of the freetronics DMD modules (in a 2x3 layout) and got down to coding up a way to do it. In the end I got it working by adding support for multiple buffers into my DMD library - Since I have the ability to have multiple buffers I can now transition between buffers presentation-style. There are 8 transitions - wipe left/right/up/down, box in/out and cross in/out The following video demonstrates some of the transitions It is my sons first birthday in a few days so I thought it nice to create a moving sign for his party :) [youtube_sc url=“s4Qjski-WMY”]