2016 Christmas Lights
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All my sequences for this year are sitting at /lights/xLights-2016/ If you wish to use them on your own display you will probably need my xlights_rgbeffect.xml to import them properly.
There are videos for them all now on Youtube and on facebook/
Everything is awesome
xLights sequence download Edited music downloadChristmas parody mashup
xLights sequence download Edited music downloadStar Wars funk (thanks to loganc)
xLights sequence download Edited music downloadCarol of the Bells
xLights sequence download Edited music downloadLet it Snow (thanks to loganc again)
xLights sequence download Edited music downloadLight of Christmas
xLights sequence download Edited music downloadWhat does the Fox say
xLights sequence download Edited music downloadPokemon Theme song
xLights sequence download Edited music downloadPen Pineapple Apple Pen song
xLights sequence and music downloadTechnical Details
For those that are interested this is all controlled by two Sandevices E682’s and an Advatek Pixlite4 sitting in large plastic tubs.
All the sequences were created in xLights running on Linux - and the show is controlled by FPP running on a Raspberry Pi